Exposure Therapy

Exposure Therapy

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is when someone experiences distressing thoughts and repetitive behaviors that can kill a significant amount of time, start interfering with daily life, and are hard to control. It may include unwanted thoughts or excessive fears of something, known as obsession.

These compulsive acts become more dominant when you are in a stressful situation. Even if you want to avoid them, they will keep coming back. Exposure and response prevention therapy helps individuals experiencing difficulty with OCD. It exposes them to their fear in a safe and structured environment in order to prevent habitual responses to those fears. In this post, we will discuss why exposure therapy is so effective in the treatment of OCD. Let’s begin!

What Is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a problematic condition wherein an individual experiences unwanted thoughts now and then and obsessions that are compulsive in nature. Compulsive means something you can not resist or control. These obsessions become problematic when they start interfering with social interactions and daily tasks. It is a chronic condition, and the symptoms can take time to be relieved, and sometimes, it may take special interventions, such as exposure therapy. Some of the common OCD symptoms are:

What Are The Prominent Causes Of OCD?

Researchers are unable to tell the exact reason behind the OCD to date. However, they feel that the following factors can contribute to OCD:

What Is Exposure and Response Prevention?